Stage Three: Critique an editorial or commentary from a Texas newspaper
Jody Seaborn’s “Just one more thing about Rick Perry’s future” article, the
author claims that Perry’s future seems very dim in his intention to run for
president. In fact, she even goes to say that, “[ Perry ] may have blown his
best shot.” Personally, I would have to agree with Mr. Seaborn’s opinion, an
editorial writer and columnist, in the Austin American’s Statesmen newspaper.
candidates in 2012 didn’t have the best standing, as a result it got him
nowhere. Seaborn’s uses the metaphor of comparing such candidates to “outright
jokes.” I think that’s a harsh thing to say, but more along the lines of what
many would say too. Here’s my two cents: I’ve lived in Texas my whole life, for
about 20 years, 21 years coming this November 24, 2013. My prime concern would
be the educational system placed in Texas. So far, in contrast to other states,
Texas has ever been so makeshift. Polices after polices revised, no stability.
In the long, the educational system is not as efficient as it could be with
Perry as governor.
the Republican Primary field in 2016, Rick Perry will have to face many candidates:
Marco Rubio, Chris Christi, Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan,
Rand Paul, Bobby Jindal. This right here is a good list. Ted Cruz will
probably be Perry’s biggest obstacle in the Republican Primary. Texas as of now
is a Red Sea with blue dots; however with the proliferation of Hispanics
migrating to Texas, we are seeing phenomenal change in the demographics of it
all. That being said, Hispanics are not fond of Republicans in general,
especially Perry.
Perry must prepare wisely and be sure to evade another “Opps”moment. What he needs to lay down are hardcore facts, things that will appeal
to the public ethically and emotionally, but moreover logically. All in all,
2016’s candidates seem much stronger than 2012’s. In the end, someone will
prevail as the winner of the nomination. Will Rick Perry even make it far
enough to have the vision of even winning the White House? That seems very dire,
don’t you think?